Nightingale aspires to be a place where every girl is known.
皇冠体育app进入了它的第二个世纪,完全接受了我们的创始人所建立的哲学. As Miss Nightingale and Miss Bamford believed, girls’ schools educate girls best, and a purposeful curriculum is a matter of both mind and heart.
在皇冠体育app,每个女孩都可以期待为成功做准备的教育. Led by a fully-engaged and student-focused faculty and administration, she will be ready for whatever the world presents to her.
从每个女孩进入蓝色大门的那一刻起,她就被认可、理解和重视. 皇冠体育app包容的社区鼓励她为自己辩护, 对他人有同理心, 承担智力上的风险. We aspire for no student to attend Nightingale anonymously.
Within the blue doors, students learn more than just academics. They are taught to discover their own voices, understand the potential of their ideas, and view differences as a source of strength. 每个毕业生接受的教育都确保她准备好迎接全球公民的挑战,并准备好改变她的世界.
在皇冠app安卓下载安装, strong academics are just the beginning.
Nightingale girls know that exceptional performance is the product and not the point of a great education; true excellence comes from the joy of a never-ending desire to learn. Rigorous academics and exceptional teaching are givens. 同样重要的是, 学生学习如何倾听, 如何提问, 如何辩论, and how to grow from their accomplishments and failures.
在皇冠app安卓下载安装, we support, respect, and celebrate students as they are.
There is no such thing as a typical Nightingale girl. 然而, what is shared by every Nightingale graduate is comfort in her own skin, a respect for the people and environment around her, and an ambition to establish her voice in the world. 在皇冠app安卓下载安装 we endeavor for every student to feel this way; we want them to know that they have a caring community of students, 朋友, 导师, 老师, 父母, 管理员, and alumnae who believe in her.
在皇冠app安卓下载安装, strength is meaningless if not matched in kindness.
The Nightingale girl is not simply nice. 她太坚强了,不能被动地坐在房间后面,听别人告诉她这个世界应该是什么样子. But she would also never dictate how anyone else should think and act, or put others down to achieve her goals. Students learn that true kindness is not passive—in fact, 这通常需要耐心, 谦卑, 和勇气. 我们相信培养一个真正善良的学生团体是任何学校都可以宣称的重要成就.
在皇冠app安卓下载安装, we prepare students for whatever the future holds.
The world is changing faster than our schools. 今天的挑战, 社区, 当我们的许多学生毕业时,职业将看起来完全不同. Nightingale champions a time-tested education, 不断发展的丰富, 以学生为中心的课程,为学生提供无所畏惧的未来生活的工具.
Nightingale inspires girls to go beyond barriers.
我们的愿景是让皇冠体育app的学生成为快乐的学习者,他们拥有知识的深度和成为批判性思想家的勇气, 富有同情心的公民, and agents of their own lives; in doing so, we advance equity for the betterment of all.
- Infusing their lives with meaningful relationships;
- 教导他们重视差异,将其视为力量的源泉和成长的手段;
- 赋予他们以自信、同理心、适应力和理性质疑现状的能力.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees on November 2, 2017
Nightingale Becomes a College Preparatory School
1920–1947 Frances Nicolau Nightingale and Maya Stevens Bamford
弗朗西丝·皇冠体育app和玛雅·班福德是教育领域截然不同的女性, background, 和个性. 班福德小姐只顾公事, 急转直下, 而皇冠体育app小姐则营造了一种温暖和热情的氛围,让“她的孩子”能够在其中学习和成长. 他们设想的这所学校结合了两位创始人的优点:在一个培养整个孩子的环境中提供高学术标准, 心和头脑一样, 将会得到极大的发展. 皇冠体育app小姐从1920年到1939年领导这所学校,班福德小姐紧随其后直到1947年.
事实: The first graduating class in 1925 was made up of just four young women. The President of Vassar College, a strong supporter of women’s education, 在毕业典礼上致辞.
1947–1958 埃德娜·希尔·罗毕拉德
战后的繁荣将使学院受益匪浅,因为它进入了一个在更广泛的校友和家长群体中筹款的新时代. In many ways, it was a new world, and under the next headmistress, Ms. 埃德娜·希尔·罗毕拉德, who had joined Nightingale in 1935 as head of the lower school, 皇冠体育app向外扩张, 更多地参与更大的社区,创造性地回应新的需求. 在她的领导下, Nightingale also began to modernize, starting with the school building which was then almost twenty years old.
事实: 一项针对1924年至1952年毕业的女校友的调查发现,在1938年之前, fewer than fifty percent applied to or attended college. After 1938, the number rose to eighty percent.
A School Where Everyone is Known
1958–1971 Catherine Baldwin Woodbridge
For the first time in the school’s history, a headmistress was chosen from outside the faculty and administration. Ms. Catherine Baldwin Woodbridge was chosen to reset the course of the school. Ms. 伍德布里奇给自己定下的任务是,确保单性别学校只有在达到全国最好的男女合校水平时才能生存下去. In 1964, the school acquired the building at 26 East 92nd Street, allowing an expansion of the Schoolhouse and curriculum.
事实: 在60年代中期, 皇冠体育app成为纽约市首批建立寻找和招收有色人种学生项目的女子学校之一, beginning the process of integrating the School.
A Vision of Nightingale’s Future Path
1971–1992 Joan Stitt McMenamin
After teaching at Nightingale and serving as assistant head of school, 琼·麦克梅纳明(又名“JSM”)于1971年成为该校第五任校长. 按照皇冠体育app小姐的传统,她把学校设想成学生的第二个家. JSM greeted every student at the door by name, 认识她的父母, 她的学术经历, 她的问题, 以及她的成功. She worked to modernize Nightingale as a model for women’s education, strengthening its academic rigor. She created a computer department in her first year as the head. In 1988, she led a major expansion of the facilities, requiring the relocation of the school for two years.
事实: 到20世纪70年代, Nightingale’s student body was internationally diverse, with students from twenty-eight different countries.
1992-2012桃乐丝A. Hutcheson
1992年,多萝西·哈奇森成为皇冠体育app学校历史上最年轻的校长. Looking to the changing needs of education in the 21st century, Dorothy believed that the school should be governed collaboratively. Dorothy held conviction in girls “finding their own voice.她最迫切的目标之一是建立一个包括种族在内的更多元化的学生群体, 社会经济背景, 比赛, 宗教, 以及性取向. By 2010, 多萝西·哈奇森是这个国家任职时间最长的校长之一, successfully answering the momentous changes of her era, 包括全球化, 计算机化, and advancement of women into positions of power.
事实: By 2001, 高中90%的学生在四年的课程中选修了三门常规或AP科学课程, 除了选修课.
Leading into Nightingale’s Second Century
2012年至今Paul A. 伯克
2012年7月1日,Paul A. 伯克 became the seventh head of school at Nightingale, after a four-year tenure as head of the 上学校. 在领导高中之后,保罗开始欣赏学校的独特身份. 他认为,营造一个让女孩“不仅被包容,而且被赞美和拥抱”的环境很重要.“Paul的第一个任务是整合两个相邻的联排别墅,并翻新校舍,以支持21世纪的教育. 他领导制定了以全球教育为重点的2017年战略计划, 多样性和包容性, 社区参与, 以及跨学科的工作. 像他的前任一样, 保罗接受了领导学校走向未来的挑战,同时尊重过去的最佳品质.